Here’s what I’m up to right now. Connect with me to stay in the loop!

Learning Journey

Ever since the start of my electronic journey, I have been fascinated with the Internet and the concept of having my own website. Over the years I have looked into various technologies, varying from PHP in 2016 to Express on node.js in 2018 to Hugo today.

Throughout my journey with web technologies, I have made many many projects that I have just abandoned. My very first project was a Discord bot running on discord.js. During the COVID-19 Pandemic I made the switch to Arch Linux and slowly learned how to use it.

I do have this habit of starting projects and then suddenly abandoning them, which is unfortunate, and leads to a lot of lost time, but it helps me learn. I am trying to commit everything to my GitLab page so I can share my code, and post some things on my blog so I can talk about it in length.

This Blog

On this website, I share my thoughts and notes about things that I’m excited about and working on and hope to connect with people having a similar mindset. I’d love to hear from you!

My Homelab

Stay tuned! I’m going to plan it out here before I implement it.

Open-Source Contributions

I just love to contribute to open-source projects, mostly on GitLab.